NTCER FAQs - 2025
I am a Registrar on Extension to Fellowship term. I submitted all fellowship requirements two weeks ago. My practice manager offered me to transition to a sole trader contract however I am not sure whether this is allowed? I have heard that we can negotiate pay but not sure whether we can transition from employee to sole trader just yet?
Do I have to tell my employer that I am working with another employer?
My employer has offered me a contract that offers a minimum billing cycle of 5 weeks not 4, do I need to accept this offer?
I don’t believe I have been paid correctly? What steps should I take?
My employer has asked me to “make up” my formal education release hours which means I am expected to work extra hours/longer shifts than what is stipulated in my contract, can the employer demand this?
Does the employer have to factor in my other supplementary/on call work with another employer?
I feel I am being mistreated at my training practice, what pathways are available to me to resolve the matter(s)?
Does the employer have to offer me a 10-hour break when I have worked somewhere else other than the practice?
I am a part time registrar, should I be paid at my base rate for formal education release?
I don’t feel comfortable approaching my supervisor/practice manager, who else can I reach out to obtain advice about a training/employment matter?
I am on the Independent Pathway and have verbally negotiated a percentage of billings as a sole trader and have provided ABN and banking details. I have been asked to form a company so I can be paid.
Part-time Registrar working 16 hours per week agrees to work extra days. Should there be a recalculation of annual and personal leave as days exceed the work agreement?
I am a GPT1 working full-time, and have a question about what happens to the number of in-practice hours when the number of education hours increases in a particular week (i.e. all-day education on a Wednesday instead of half-day)?
Full-time and part-time registrars are now equally entitled to time off in lieu on the nearest rostered day to (immediately preceding or immediately following) the educational release day.
I’m working 38hrs over four days with Wednesdays off. When a training day falls on a Wednesday, am I entitled to equivalent time in lieu for that? And if a training day goes for 8hrs does that mean the leave I am entitled to is 8 hrs off in a 9.5hr day?
I have heard that GP registrars are eligible to receive payments for training-related expenses. How do I make this happen?
Do I have to notify my employer as soon as I find out I’m pregnant?
My current employment has become untenable for a multitude of reasons. How do I go about ending my employment agreement?
As I move from being a GP registrar to a Fellow, what are the key items (paperwork, registration, etc) I need to organise?
I am not getting a regular pay slip with my fortnightly pay and I think that I might have been underpaid. What do I do?
I get paid base rate for 76 hours per fortnight as per the NTCER. At the end of the month 45% of my total billings for that month are calculated and the difference between this and the base rate that has already been paid to me for the month is my bonus.
When I recently took leave, my base rate pay for the month was actually a bit more than the 45% calculated on total billings at the end of the month. Does this mean I have to pay back the difference as my 45% for the month is less than the base rate payment made?
As a part-time GPT1 registrar, does my base rate of pay change once I’ve completed six calendar months of GPT1 training, or six months full-time equivalent (FTE) training?
I have recently noticed a new deduction of 5% of my billings for company payroll tax. There is nothing mentioned in NTCER about this but my Practice Manager advised that this is an allowable deduction. Is this correct?
My practice has not paid me any leave as I earn over the base salary. Is this in breach of the NTCER?
I am just about to finish my term at my current training practice and will be moving to work at a different practice for my next term. I have one week (38hrs) of annual leave that I have accrued but not taken during my current term. My practice manager is going to deduct this from my percentage billings prior to paying my 13-week payment. Does this sound right?
I am starting GP training next year. If I become pregnant can I access maternity leave? Is it paid leave, or unpaid leave.
My practice manager has changed my roster so that my day off now coincides with a public holiday. Can they do this?
My practice is shutting down over the Christmas and New Years holidays. While I am being paid my base rate of pay for the public holidays (as they are my normally rostered days of work), the practice manager has informed me that I will be required to take days of annual leave over the closure dates which are not considered public holidays. Is this in line with the NTCER?
I don’t have access to my practice’s software and my practice manager is only giving me a printout of weekly billings totals. I am concerned about the accuracy of my billings but my practice manager has told me not to worry because they will sort out any problems. Is this reasonable? Can I request to see all my Medicare Billings and how frequently can I do this?
There was an error in my Medicare billings where there was an incorrect item claimed which gave a higher benefit than what should have been paid. My practice manager has told me that I am responsible for the full 100% of the repayment to Medicare for this billing error. This seems unfair since the practice retains 50.95% of my MBS earnings; is this correct?
When I started at my current training practice, I had a discussion with my supervisor about taking two weeks of annual leave after Easter. At that stage, they agreed to this request but now the practice manager says I can only take one week of leave because the practice is too busy. I have already made arrangement for a two-week family holiday; what can I do?
My practice manager said there was a mistake made in preparing my contract and has changed my pay rate after I signed the employment agreement and started working at the practice. Is this allowed?
FAQ I have noticed my contract includes a clause regarding intellectual property (i.e. the GP practice is the sole owner of the rights to any original work/material developed, even outside working hours). I am uncomfortable signing this and was wondering if it is a standard part of a contract? The NTCER outlines your minimum employment…
I have managed to negotiate a percentage of 50% billings, but my practice is taking super out of that percentage. Is this allowed?
My practice isn’t paying me any superannuation, what do I do?
Regarding a statement in the NTCER Schedule A Remuneration, I don’t understand how superannuation works in practice because 44.79% + 11.5% does not equal 49.94%.
My clinic will be opening for only a morning session on the upcoming public holiday (on Monday). On this day of the week (Mondays) I normally work the whole day—both morning and afternoon sessions. I have been asked to work the morning session on this public holiday. How do I get paid for working this session on a public holiday?
What are PIP and SIP payments and do I receive a percentage of these payments?
My employment agreement has a “No competition” clause which states that within 12 months after my employment ends, I must not practice within an area less than 10km of the training practice. Are these types of clauses legally enforceable?