I have managed to negotiate a percentage of 50% billings, but my practice is taking super out of that percentage. Is this allowed?
The NTCER outlines your minimum employment terms and conditions
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The NTCER provides that registrars will be paid superannuation on:
- their base rate of pay; or
- the percentage billing (where this exceeds the base rate of pay),
at the statutory minimum superannuation charge rate.
Accordingly, practices/employers should be paying superannuation on top of, rather than deducting superannuation from, your percentage billings.
Practices may deduct superannuation from your gross billings provided that:
- it is agreed that your billing percentage is inclusive of superannuation; and
- your salary (after this deduction) is greater than the minimum salary under the NTCER (i.e., 44.79% of gross billings where billings exceed your base rate of pay).