Full-time and part-time registrars are now equally entitled to time off in lieu on the nearest rostered day to (immediately preceding or immediately following) the educational release day.

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Why has this change been agreed?

GPSA and GPRA agree equitable access to educational release for part-time registrars to be fair and reasonable. Previously, a part-time registrar mandated to attend a full-day workshop on a day the practice has not scheduled them to work has added this day to their training workload without any reference to fatigue management.

Clause 9.2 Educational release
As trainees under the AGPT program, GP registrars – whether full-time or part-time – are required to attend all mandated / official AGPT educational sessions that count toward their training requirements.

a) Attendance at educational sessions mandated by their College in normal working hours must be paid at the relevant base rate, as if the registrar was working at the practice on this educational release day.

b) Registrars will not be paid for educational release where educational sessions occur on a weekend or after hours, noting “after hours” does not mean hours outside those listed in a registrar’s employment contract: “after hours” refers to all time outside ordinary hours as defined by MBS as 8am-8pm Monday-Friday and 8am -11am Saturday.

c) Registrars required to attend an educational session on a weekday not on their usual roster shall be granted time off as educational release.

For clarity:

i) The number of hours the practice will pay as an educational release shall not exceed the average daily hours worked on the registrar’s normal roster;
ii) As educational release is intended to address fatigue management, these hours should where possible be taken on the normal working day either immediately preceding or immediately following the registrar’s attendance of the mandatory educational session. These hours must be taken within five business days from the session. These hours cannot be “banked up” and added on to any other leave;
iii) As Colleges release their educational programs in advance, registrars should take note of the dates/times when they will be required to attend mandatory educational sessions, and liaise as early as possible with their practice to plan their educational release and leave calendar to minimise impact on both the practice and the registrar;
iv) The intention of this clause is to comply with clause 16.2 Fatigue Management.

(Wording of this clause revised by mutual agreement GPRA and GPSA on 16th March 2023)