My practice manager said there was a mistake made in preparing my contract and has changed my pay rate after I signed the employment agreement and started working at the practice. Is this allowed?

The NTCER outlines your minimum employment terms and conditions

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An employment contract is no different to any other contract in that employers cannot unilaterally impose significant changes to the terms of your contract without your consent (unless the terms of your contract permit your employer to do so).

Your rate of pay is a fundamental term of your employment contract and should not be changed without your agreement.  

You should try to resolve the issue directly with your employer. If there has been a genuine mistake, then you might consider agreeing to the change in good faith. If, however, your employer is trying to reduce your rate of pay under the guise of a mistake, then you should not feel pressured to accept the change. We encourage you to seek support from GPRA if the issue is unable to be resolved.

Any change to the terms of your contract should be recorded in writing.