…general and specialist registration (please note that while this is not a necessary step, it is quite nice). Here is a useful starting point: https://www.medicalboard.gov.au/Registration/Types/Specialist-Registration.aspx It is also critical that…

…an enquiry ANSWER Fairwork deems that employees gain four weeks of annual leave based on their ordinary hours of work – https://www.fairwork.gov.au/tools-and-resources/fact-sheets/minimum-workplace-entitlements/annual-leave Section 10.3 of the NTCER defines ordinary hours:…

FAQ I have recently noticed a new deduction of 5% of my billings for company payroll tax. There is nothing mentioned in NTCER about this but my Practice Manager advised…

…b) the ‘percentage’ of 49.94% comprising 44.79% of in-hours, after hours and on-call gross billings or receipts, plus the statutory rate of superannuation as determined by the Commonwealth, namely 11.5%…