Meet Dr Asim Razi:

GPRA Professor Alan Walker Paediatric Scholarship recipient in 2024

In the heart of Darwin, at Territory Medical’s Nightcliff and Mitchell Street clinics, Dr Asim Razi stands out as a dedicated and compassionate GP, committed to the well-being of his patients.

Recently, his commitment to paediatric care has been recognised with the prestigious GPRA Professor Alan Walker Paediatric Scholarship.

Being awarded the scholarship is a significant milestone for Asim.

“I’m very grateful and honoured,” he says.

Named after a champion of paediatrics in the NT, the scholarship is awarded to GP registrars who demonstrate an interest in further education in paediatrics and uphold high professional standards.

Professor Walker’s legacy continues to inspire and support the next generation of medical professionals.

The scholarship, valued at $5,000, will enable Asim to attend courses and conferences, or purchase equipment that he may not have otherwise been able to afford.

“Financial assistance to help one develop professionally is always welcome and beneficial,” Asim acknowledges.

Asim’s receipt of this scholarship not only honours Professor Walker’s legacy but also highlights his dedication to paediatric care in the Northern Territory.

Originally from India, Asim has embraced Darwin as his home, having attended Darwin High School and completed his medical training locally at Charles Darwin University and Flinders University NT through the NT Medical Program

His journey continued with a medical internship and residency at the Royal Darwin Hospital. 

“Darwin has shaped my identity as a doctor” reflects Asim.

“The diverse community and unique challenges here have equipped me with invaluable experiences.”

Asim’s inspiration to pursue a career in medicine was deeply rooted in his family.

His father, an IT professional, had to give injections to his grandfather as a teenager, practicing on bottle-gourds.

“My father’s admiration for the medical profession and his encouragement were pivotal,” Asim recalls

 “He wanted his children to pursue this career for the benefit of the community.”

The path to becoming a GP was not without its hurdles.

“Every GP faces the external, and more so internal, de-valuation of general practice through the phrase ‘just a GP.’ It’s an absolute disservice to the profession,” Asim explains.

Despite challenges like remuneration issues, billing complexities, and medico-legal scrutiny, Asim’s resilience has been unwavering.

“The breadth and depth of knowledge required to be a good GP is mind-boggling,” he adds, highlighting the complexity and importance of his chosen field.

Transitioning from emergency and general medicine, Asim found his calling in general practice.

“I loved the generalism of emergency medicine, but needed to get out of the hospital and away from shift work,” he shares.

The most rewarding aspect for him is taking the time to explain diagnoses and treatment plans to patients.

“Seeing a lightbulb switch on in their eyes when they understand their condition is incredibly fulfilling,” he says.

“It’s especially gratifying when patients express genuine appreciation and recommend you to others.”

Empathy, patience, and resilience are at the core of Asim’s practice.

“A GP needs genuine empathy, a warm manner, and the ability to sit with uncertainty,” he emphasises.

“These traits not only help in building strong patient relationships, but also in navigating the complexities of general practice.”

Asim envisions a diverse future for himself in the medical field.

“In 5-10 years, I see myself working in various roles, not limiting myself to being a clinical GP,” he says.

“Perhaps I’ll be teaching at a university, working at the CDC, or even owning my own practice. Who knows!”

One memorable experience that affirmed Asim’s decision to become a doctor involved a patient with metastatic lung cancer.

“I took the time to explain his condition and treatment using a whiteboard marker,” he recalls.

“Seeing his understanding was gratifying. Since then, I’ve become the family doctor for his wife and brother, managing their complex issues.

“This experience underscores the profound impact a compassionate and attentive GP can have on patients and their families.”

As Asim continues to make strides in his career, the support and recognition from the GPRA Professor Alan Walker Paediatric Scholarship will undoubtedly play a crucial role in his ongoing professional development, ultimately benefiting the broader community he so passionately serves.

Dr Razi will be officially presented with his scholarship at a special dinner on 7 September in Darwin during the inaugural GPRA NT Annual GP Registrars Forum event (6-8 September).