AGPT Application and Selection Process

Eligibility and key dates

The AGPT program is the government-funded GP training program.

The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program is the leading training program for medical graduates wishing to pursue a career in general practice in Australia.

  • Step 1: Check if you're eligible

    As the AGPT program is government-funded, eligibility criteria applies. Read the eligibility criteria before applying to the program.

    Don’t worry if you are not eligible as there are other pathways into general practice in Australia.

  • Step 2: Decide on your pathway

    The AGPT program has different training pathways: Rural Pathway and General Pathway.

    The Rural Pathway encompasses a large percentage of the Australian countryside reaching from towns on the fringe of capital cities to regional coastal areas and remote outback locations. Doctors who train on the rural pathway must train in MM2–7 locations. Read more about RACGP’s delivery of the RG program or ACRRM’s delivery of the RG pathway.

    Note: Both ACRRM and RACGP provide training on the Rural Pathway, learn more about the differences in the Rural Pathway structure between the Colleges.

    The General Pathway is for doctors who choose to train primarily in inner and outer metropolitan locations or have the flexibility to train anywhere within the training region. Doctors on the general pathway can train in MM 1–7 locations.

    Note: Only RACGP provides training on the General Pathway, learn more about the structure of the General Pathway.

    To view an interactive map and search for MM locations use the Department of Health’s Health Workforce Locator.

  • Step 3: Apply through your GP College

    You apply to the AGPT Program through the College that you wish to achieve Fellowship with.

    Both colleges update their application guide books each year. Find out more:

    Become a GPRA member for free to receive the FGP eNewsletter and be alerted to the latest news.

    Key dates:

    • Both Colleges usually have two intakes per year (ie. at the start of the year and in the middle of the year).
    • The application process for each College can take 12 months (eg. the application process for GP training in semester 1 of 2026 will actually start in early 2025).
    • Each College has its own dates, but applications for semester 1 of any year will generally be open from January to March of the prior year for ACRRM, or March to April of the prior year for RACGP.
    • Following these applications, both Colleges will usually conduct some form of assessment in May (ACRRM general conducts interviews, whereas RACGP generally conducts online assessments). Both Colleges usually announce the outcomes of these around June.
    • There may be a second round of applications depending on if places in the AGPT are still available.
    • These dates are subject to change so appilcants should check the relevant College’s website.


    Each College will charge an application fee. This does not guarantee acceptance into the training program.

    Currently ACRRM charges $700. The RACGP charges $190 to sit the selection process and an additional $500 if you are successful and accept a training position.

  • Step 4: Eligibility outcomes, interviews, and offers

    The final step in the AGPT application process, once eligibility has been assessed and confirmed, is the selecton process and offers.

    If you apply with the RACGP, you will also have to sit (and pass) the Situatoinal Judgement test. In this test, applicants are presented with hypothetical scenarios reflective of situations that they are likely to face. The assessment focuses on determining the candidate’s suitability for GP training by assessing communication skills, professional attitudes and ethics, self-awareness and adaptability. Some scenarios will require a typed response and some will require you to record a video response.

    If you apply with the ACRRM, you will need to provide referees to support your application. Referees will be provided with a survey which they will return to the College. After, only shortlisted applicants will be invited to the interview stage.

    Successful candidates will be offered a place in the AGPT program. If you do not receive an offer in the first round, you may be offered a position in any second or subsequent rounds of offers.