Undertaking an academic post has undoubtedly been one of the highlights of my medical career and I strongly recommend it for any registrars who have an interest in research or medical education.
My academic post broadened my concept of what a career in general practice can entail, provided me with incredible training opportunities and allowed me to make a great group of friends with whom I remain in close contact.
Prior to undertaking medicine I had worked as a solicitor at a corporate law firm for a number of years and I had always been considering different ways to be able to combine skills learnt during my previous career with medicine, and the academic post proved an ideal program for this.
The use of general practice data for research and the associated privacy implications was of interest for me, and I was able to link in with a supervisor, Associate Professor Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis at the Department of General Practice at the University of Melbourne, who is a leading researcher in this area.