I’m working 38hrs over four Payments for training-related expenses – General Practice Registrars Australia days with Wednesdays off. When a training day falls on a Wednesday, am I entitled to equivalent time in lieu for that? And if a training day goes for 8hrs does that mean the leave I am entitled to is 8 hrs off in a 9.5hr day?

The NTCER outlines your minimum employment terms and conditions

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Clause 9.2(m) of the NTCER provides that practices will grant full-time registrars who work 38 hours over 4 days and attend an educational release on the 5th day in a normal working week educational release hours as follows on the day immediately preceding or day immediately following the educational release day:

  • where the registrar attends a session for 4 hours or less, the greater of 4 hours or a half-day against the hours the registrar would otherwise work in the practice on that day (registrars are entitled to be paid for this time off); or
  • where the registrar attends a full-day training provider orientation or educational session of more than 4 hours, the registrar is entitled to be absent from the practice for the entire day and be paid the total number of hours they would otherwise have worked in the practice that day up to the average daily hours across a 38-hour 5-day week.

Where your training day falls on a Wednesday and goes for longer than 4 hours, you would take the entire day off on Tuesday or Thursday of that week (and not at any other time). You would be entitled to be paid for 7.6 hours on your day off.