Does the employer have to offer me a 10-hour break when I have worked somewhere else other than the practice?
The NTCER outlines your minimum employment terms and conditions
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No, your employer does not have to offer you a 10-hour break if you work at another practice, however, employers should make every endeavour to provide you with a clear rest period of 10 hours between shifts (NTCER, clause 16.3)
Per clause 16.2(d) of the NTCER, it is the registrar’s responsibility to inform their practice of any shifts at another place of work that may impact on their ability to have a clear period of rest of at least 10 hours.
Your employer has a responsibility to provide a safe work environment which includes providing adequate breaks to relieve fatigue, however, there may be times of special circumstance where it is not feasible for your employer to provide you with a 10-hour break (e.g. vaccination programs, emergencies, staff illness etc.).
Registrars are expected to prioritise the shifts agreed in their contracted practice hours over external shifts that may impose an unfair burden on the practice (NTCER, clause 16.2(f)).