I am not getting a regular pay slip with my fortnightly pay and I think that I might have been underpaid. What do I do?

The NTCER outlines your minimum employment terms and conditions

Read the full NTCER

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Section 536 of the Fair Work Act requires employers to give pay slips to employees within one working day of pay day, even if an employee is on leave.

If you’re not receiving pay slips, you should ask your employer to provide them to you. You can send your employer this link which contains information from Fair Work regarding pay slips – https://www.fairwork.gov.au/pay-and-wages/paying-wages/pay-slips. You should also discuss the potential underpayment with your employer to see if the issue can be resolved.

If you are unable to resolve the issue directly with your employer, then you should follow the dispute resolution procedure set out at clause 18 of the NTCER. You can contact your Registrar Liaison Officer for support during this process. Legal advice may ultimately be necessary.