Does the employer have to factor in my other supplementary/on call work with another employer?

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GPRA and GPSA agree that fatigue management is a shared responsibility between both the registrar and the training practice (NTCER, clause 16.2).

GPRA encourages registrars to maintain open dialogue with employers about secondary employment and associated fatigue and patient safety issues. GPRA encourages registrars who are performing work for another employer to discuss this with their training practice employer and seek that arrangements are made to manage fatigue. Employers should give consideration to the registrar’s circumstances and make appropriate arrangements to manage fatigue (such as scheduling work hours to allow employees to have adequate rest between shifts) where this is reasonably practicable.

Depending on the circumstances, it may not be feasible for employers to make such arrangements in which case, GPRA notes clause 16.2(g) of the NTCER which provides that a registrar will prioritise the shifts agreed in their contracted practice hours over external shifts that may impose an unfair burden on the practice. 

Registrars should consider discussing their circumstances with their other employer to see if they are willing to make arrangements to accommodate the registrar’s hours of work.