Join the Rural General Practice Settlement Incentive (RGPSI) program and receive up to $100,000 over 5 years working in beautiful Tasmania.
Tasmania, like most regional areas in Australia is experiencing challenges in attracting and retaining the health workforce required to support the health system. The Tasmanian Government is focused on creating and sustaining a health professional workforce that provides accessible and effective care for all Tasmanians.
Aligning with the Long-Term Plan for Healthcare in Tasmania 2040, The Rural General Practice Settlement Incentive grant program was announced by the Tasmanian Government in November 2024. This initiative aims to attract up to 40 new GPs to rural and regional Tasmania, by providing incentives of up to $100,000 over five years for GPs who choose to settle in prioritised rural and regional locations.
About the program:
The program aims to attract Vocationally Registered GPs to Tasmanian regional, rural and remote areas (MMM 3-7) particularly to general practices connected to District Hospitals and Multipurpose Centres, in addition to the New Norfolk District Hospital Services in MMM 2. There are three priority areas, 1, 2 and 3 and set criteria for each group.
Applicant Eligibility Criteria:
- Registered with AHPRA as a qualified General Practitioner*
- Willing to provide services in an eligible regional area of Tasmania.
- Have (or are willing to obtain) provider numbers for the new location.
- Have (or are willing to obtain) credentials in regional hospitals or multi-purpose centres.
- The Doctors involved will be required to work at least 0.5 FTE for 47 weeks each year to be eligible.