• Release My Super
  • Vocationally Registered GP, Newly-fellowed GP
  • Part-time
  • Telehealth, Australia Wide Services
Part-time appointment for AHPRA registered GP for telehealth consults, no medicare rebate or medical admin.

Medical appointment is for the compassionate release of super and completion of a standard report.

Position is for 2 hours to 4 hours per day depending on your schedule, with remuneration approx $55,000 for 2 hours – $110,000 for 4 hours per year.

Work from home with a flexible schedule depending on your availability. Great team of existing GP and Psychiatrists for training and pier support and review.

About the practice:
We specialise in the release of superannuation for drug and alcohol rehab, mental health treatment, and IVF under the compassionate release of super program.