Pathways into general practice

There are multiple pathways into general practice in Australia and two medical colleges through which you can obtain GP fellowship. While the Fellowships from both ACRRM and RACGP allow you to practise as a GP in Australia, each has distinct features. When deciding which college to apply to, be sure to understand the differences.
The colleges in Australia are:


ACRRM was established in 1997 and is accredited for setting professional medical standards for training, assessment, certification and continuing professional development in the specialty of general practice. They are the only College in Australia dedicated to rural and remote medicine, and play and important role in supporting junior doctors and medical students considering a career in rural medicine. While an urban general practitioner may refer cases to a specialist or tertiary hospital, a GP in rural or remote communities may not have a specialist hospital close-by. This can mean extending from primary to secondary to ongoing care. Rural or remote GPs need a broader set of skills to address the diverse needs of the community.


The beginnings of RACGP started iin 1958 and it is accredited for setting the standards for education and practice in the specialty of general practice. They also advocate for better health and wellbeing for all Australians. The RACGP provides GP education and training for metropolitan and rural GPs.

The Colleges offer general practice training through a number of pathways:

  • The Australian General Practice Training Program (AGPT) is available through either College. Through this pathway, the Australian Government funds your selected College to provide your training over 3-4 years.
  • The Fellowship Support Program (FSP) is available through the RACGP. Through this pathway, all education and training is self-funded by the Registrar.
  • The Practice Experience Program (PEP) is available through the RACGP. This pathway is for IMGs with a recognised overseas specialist qualification and involves 6 months of self-directed education and workplace based assessments.
  • The Independent Pathway is available through ACRRM. Through this pathway, all education and training is self-funded by the Registrar.

In addition, the Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS), provides general practice training and is similar to the AGPT in that it provides vocational training towards Fellowship of either ACRRM or RACGP. However, RVTS training is delivered under a remote supervision model in rural, remote, and First Nations communities across Australia, as well as Aboriginal Medical Services.

Domestic students

All five of the following pathways are available to domestic students

The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program:

  • Government-funded program.
  • This is the most common pathway for Australian doctors to become a GP
  • ACRRM (rural pathway only)
  • RACGP (rural and general pathways).

Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS): 

  • Rural pathway only
  • Government-funded GP training program
  • for medical practitioners working in rural and remote communities throughout Australia, and doctors working in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services. 

Rural Generalist: 

This program, the latest step in the Government’s commitment to implement a National Rural Generalist Pathway, will fund a number of GP training places in areas of workforce need and was implemented in 2021. Training is with ACRRM or RACGP.

Independent Pathway (IP): 

  • Rural pathway only
  • Fees are self-funded, but depending on your training location, it may be government-subsidised.

General Practice Experience Pathway (PEP):

  • Rural or general pathways
  • Fees are self-funded, but depending on your training location, it may be government-subsidised.

Fellowship Support Program (FSP):

  • all education and training is self-funded by the Registrar.

International students

Only the above two pathways are available to international students

Domestic students

All five of the following pathways are available to domestic students

The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program:

  • Government-funded program.
  • This is the most common pathway for Australian doctors to become a GP
  • ACRRM (rural pathway only)
  • RACGP (rural and general pathways).

Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS): 

  • Rural pathway only
  • Government-funded GP training program
  • for medical practitioners working in rural and remote communities throughout Australia, and doctors working in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services. 

Rural Generalist: 

This program, the latest step in the Government’s commitment to implement a National Rural Generalist Pathway, will fund a number of GP training places in areas of workforce need and was implemented in 2021. Training is with ACRRM or RACGP.

International students

The following two pathways are available to both domestic and international students

Independent Pathway (IP): 

  • Rural pathway only
  • Fees are self-funded, but depending on your training location, it may be government-subsidised.

The General Practice Experience Pathway (PEP):

  • Rural or general pathways
  • Fees are self-funded, but depending on your training location, it may be government-subsidised

Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS)

RVTS is a government-funded GP training program for medical practitioners working in rural and remote communities throughout Australia, and doctors working in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.

The purpose of the program is to train doctors in remote communities for remote communities.

Through this training scheme, you live and work in your remote location while conducting your GP training remotely, supported by distance education and remote supervision.

Under the training program, you can elect to achieve Fellowship of either ACRRM and/or RACGP.

The three to four-year program delivers structured distance education and supervision to doctors while they continue to provide general medical services to a remote and/or isolated community.

If you are interested in this program, apply directly with the RVTS.

Visit for more information.

Recognition of prior learning for ACRRM and RACGP

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is possible with both Colleges, depending on the rotations you have done in your hospital training and the completion of more than one year of hospital training. You must apply directly to your College. Further information can be found in the RPL policy of each College..