My practice isn’t paying me any superannuation, what do I do?
The NTCER outlines your minimum employment terms and conditions
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Practices are legally required to pay superannuation to eligible employees. The NTCER requires practices to pay superannuation on a registrar’s:
- base rate of pay; or
- percentage billings (where this exceeds their base rate of pay),
at the statutory minimum superannuation charge rate.
If your employer is underpaying or failing to pay superannuation, you should raise your concerns with your employer. You should keep records of any conversations you have with your employer. You can also seek support from your Registrar Liaison Officer and/or GPRA.
If you are unable to resolve the issue directly with your employer, then you should follow the dispute resolution procedure set out at clause 18 of the NTCER.
You can also report unpaid superannuation to the Australian Tax Office, who may decide to investigate your complaint and take steps to recover the unpaid superannuation. You can find out more information about this here –
Reporting your employer to the ATO is a serious matter. We strongly recommend that you try to resolve the issue directly with your employer before contemplating taking such action.