GPRA Exam Preparation Webinar

One-day workshop

Unlock your exam success with GPRA’s one-day workshop

Are you time-poor and preparing for your upcoming RACGP or ACRRM practical exams? GPRA proudly presents a one-day webinar tailored to enhance your exam preparation. Learn from our experienced Medical educator and GP who will share up-to-date exam information and practical study strategies. This webinar includes practice scenarios, Q&A opportunities, and additional resources. 

  • Master the format: Understand the structure and nuances of the exams
  • Practice makes perfect: Engage in practical scenarios to refine your skills
  • Boost your confidence: Gain the edge you need for your exam success
  • Q&A opportunities: Get your questions answered by GPs who are Fellows
  • Suitable for exam preparation for both GP Colleges.


Exam Preparation Webinar Series
One-day workshop.


Online event
Interactive video conference


9:00am - 3:00pm (AEST)
Saturday 19 October 2024.

Who is eligible to attend?

All GPRA Members are invited to attend.

Your Investment

$225 (+GST)
Attending online is a cost-effective option.

Your presenter

Dr Stacey Deshong

Recent testimonial:

These sessions were absolutely brilliant. It was so valuable to know the technical way to prepare for this exam. This is some of the best education I’ve received on actual exam technique and preparation. Thank you for the invaluable learning opportunity.

Workshop Topics


Presentation skills – thinking on your feet. The science behind active listening and organising your thoughts quickly to provide concise responses within the allocated time frame that answer the question. Insight into how to use the tone of your voice to your advantage and tips on how to adjust your voice to portray confidence; even when you’re not. Understanding non-verbal communication and tips on how to avoid negative non-verbal communication cues

The recording from the first session will be provided for practising exam techniques, while subsequent sessions will not be recorded due to their discussion-based and group-work nature.


Insights – The art of clinic case discussions. Discuss the learnings from the last session and identify strategies to approach clinical case discussions.


Practical – Putting into practice approaching clinical case discussion stations. This session is dedicated to applying all the lessons learned from this webinar and practise, practise and more practise. This session also includes feedback on clinical case discussion stations. In addition to providing insights into common traps to avoid incorrect answers in your clinical case discussions

About your presenter:

Dr Stacey Deshong has a background in general practice, medical education, and medical advisory roles.

She holds an MBBS from the University of Queensland (2010) and is a Fellow of the RACGP (2019).

Currently, Dr Deshong serves as a Medical Educator at the Indigenous General Practitioners Trainee Network.

Dr. Deshong is committed to delivering high-quality healthcare, and support to both her patients and colleagues.

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